Guys. I made bagels this week. Of the homemade variety. In my very own kitchen. Check that one off the list. Boo-yeah.
With such epic accomplishments happening around here (ha!), not much blogging has happened. To capture the little moments of excitement in an otherwise routine week –
Events of the week, in no particular order:
-First trip to IKEA with 2 kids. I think we deserve an award for getting in and out of there in 30 minutes. I think we deserve an even bigger award for not buying anything.
-First time making homemade bagels. Less involved/complicated than I expected. I’ll work on perfecting the recipe, then share with all y’all.
-Attended my first barre class. A local studio was offering some free classes led by a teacher-in-training. Holy crap. Pain. Pure pain. People that go there regularly are beasts – of the good variety – of the variety that I want on my side in a street fight. Seriously. I’ve never felt muscle burn like that.
-My mom called me to ask for a recipe. Nothing boosts your confidence as a wife/mother/homemaker like that. 🙂 When Nick and I started becoming Hobbyist Dough Mixers a few years ago, we took my mom’s traditional pizza crust recipe (the one I’d grown up on and eaten every Friday for decades) and tweaked it. She was calling to get our tweaked version. I felt pretty awesome.
-My work team had reserved the P&G box at the Red’s game, so Nick and I took Liesl to her first baseball game. Let me tell you, that’s the way to watch a game! Liesl got her official certificate, Nick and I enjoyed way too much delicious food, and I relaxed in the Nursing Room (sponsored by Pampers, thank you!). A seriously swanky, relaxing way to do a game.
-Oliver has discovered that with his newfound skill of opening doors, he doesn’t have to stay in his room for naptime or bedtime. Yay! <dripping sarcasm> I spent an hour-and-a-half Thursday afternoon trying to get him to stay in his room at naptime before finally giving up and putting him in front of a movie, because whether he needed a nap or not, I needed a break! Less than 10 minutes later, he was passed out on the family room floor. So I covered him with a blanket, and let him nap away.
-One of Oliver’s new words this week: “cuddle”. It’s the first word I hear every morning. (“Cuddle?” from this little red-headed voice beside my bed. Another moderately positive side effect of him being able to open doors.) I love it.
-We’re getting our first taste of semi-regular (ie. at least once a day) Liesl smiles this week. If we weren’t smitten already…
-Finally narrowed down the photos we want from Liesl’s newborn session. We had to choose 23 out of the ~150 the photographer showed us. Pure torture. But the ones we chose are absolutely darling! Stay tuned – will share soon! Here’s a teaser to tide you over…
Ummmmm…..I just love you. To the moon and back. That is all. Hugs and kisses.